Extended Benefits –the EB program is a regular part of the federal-state program that provides an additional thirteen weeks of benefits to workers who have exhausted regular unemployment insurance benefits during periods of high unemployment.
Trigger ON – States must pay EB (for 13 weeks) if the insured unemployment rate (IUR) for the previous 13 weeks is at least 5 percent and is 120 percent of the average rate for the same 13-week period in the two previous years.
Insured Unemployment Rate – number of claimants eligible for benefits in the regular unemployment insurance program among the eligible population (covered workers) in the State.
Trigger Off – States trigger off when the IUR falls below 5% or the IUR rate less than 120% above the same 13 weeks in the previous two years.
For more information please visit the U.S. DOL site at https://oui.doleta.gov/unemploy/pdf/uilaws_extended.pdf