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Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP)

What is SHARP?
SHARP is the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program of the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH). If your worksite qualifies, you can be exempt from routine or programmed HIOSH inspections for up to two years.
How do I qualify?
- No fatalities in last 3 years
- Have established a Hawaii BLS total recordable injury/illness and total days away, restriction, and transfer (DART) incidence rate below the state or national rate, whichever is lower
- Request a free onsite consultation
- Have an effective injury and illness prevention program
- Agree to notify the state consultant prior to making any changes in the workplace that may affect safety
What does it cost?
Free for the consultation.
What’s in it for me?
- Inspection Exemption (from routine or programmed inspections)!
- Recognition from the State and your peers!
- Continued assistance from state consultants!
- Lower workers compensation costs!
- Less accidents, greater productivity!
How do I sign up?
Call (808) 586-9100 to sign up or if you have any questions about the program
What happens after I sign up?
Consultant calls you to:
- Arrange for a convenient site visit
- Evaluate your injury and illness prevention program
Following the evaluation visit, the consultant will notify you if you qualify for SHARP, and if not, will ask if you wish to work towards SHARP status. Inspection deferrals can be granted for up to 18 months as long as reasonable progress is made towards SHARP status.