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Add a Registered Apprenticeship Program to the Eligible Training Provider List

Step 1: Understand the Basics

Registered apprenticeship programs are automatically qualified for the Eligible Training Provider (ETP) list as long as the program remains registered with the United States Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship. In Hawaii, the State Apprenticeship Agency is the Workforce Development Division (WDD) of the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. Programs must be registered by WDD and must request to be placed on the list by submitting an application to the Workforce Development Council. Programs may choose not to be on the ETP list.

A Registered Apprenticeship program is sponsored by an individual business or an employer association and may be partnered with a labor organization through a collective bargaining agreement. Upon finishing the training program, an apprentice earns a “Completion of Registered Apprenticeship” certificate, an industry issued, nationally recognized credential that validates proficiency in an apprenticeable occupation.

Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors identify the minimum qualifications to apply into their apprenticeship program. The eligible starting age can be no less than 16 years of age; however, individuals must usually be 18 to be an apprentice in hazardous occupations. Program sponsors may also identify additional minimum qualifications and credentials to apply, e.g., education, ability to physically perform the essential functions of the occupation, and proof of age. Based on the selection method utilized by the sponsor, additional qualification standards, such as fair aptitude tests and interviews, school grades, and previous work experience may be identified. For more information:

Pre-apprenticeship programs do not automatically qualify for the ETPL. They are subject to the same requirements as regular ETPs.

Step 2: Fill-in the Registered Apprenticeship Program Application

The application in a Word fillable format is available here

Step 3: Submit the application

Email the application to the Workforce Development Council, [email protected]

Removal from the list:

  1. To request to be removed from the ETPL, notify the Workforce Development Council (WDC) by email at: [email protected].
  2. At the end of each program year, WDC will ask WDD for a list of all Registered Apprenticeship programs that were either voluntarily or involuntarily deregistered. These programs will be removed from the list.