About Us
The Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH) is comprised of two major programs:
Occupational Safety and Health §396, HRS
The Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Law and Regulations are intended to assure safe and healthful working conditions for the women and men of the State. Employers are responsible to furnish employees with workplaces that are safe and free from recognized hazards. These include, but not limited to:
- Provide a place of employment that is safe and free from recognized hazards.
- Report to HIOSH office of the following (§12-52.1, HAR):
- within 8 hours after the death of an employee from work-related incident;
- within 24 hours of:
- inpatient hospitalization of an employee
- employee’s amputation
- employee’s loss of an eye as a result of a work-related incident
- property damage in excess of $25,000 as a result of work-related incident
- Maintain records as necessary (i.e., injury and illness reports*, employee exposure records, medical surveillance records);
- Post posters and information as required (e.g., Hawaii Labor Law poster, OSHA-300A log, citations).
* Recordkeeping of injuries and illnesses. Some employers are required to keep records of injuries and illnesses which is a means of storing factual information about certain accidents and related injuries and illnesses. This becomes a valuable tool as facts are determined, causes often identified, and control procedures instituted to prevent similar occurrences in the future. From February 1 – April 30 each year, these employers need to post the OSHA Form 300A – Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in their workplaces.
Additionally, Employee Responsibilities and Rights under the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Law include, but not limited to:
- Comply with rules, regulations and orders.
- File complaints related to workplace safety & health issues to HIOSH.
- Participate in inspections.
- Receive notification of non-action by HIOSH on a complaint made by an employee or employee representative on alleged violations.
- Have the right to contest the initial correction period for a violation, as well as the employer’s request for additional time (petition for modification of abatement date (PMA).
- Protected from discrimination for exercising rights under the law.
- Identity as a complainant or as a witness shall not be disclosed by HIOSH without prior permission.
- Affected employees or their representatives have the opportunity to participate as parties to hearings before the Hawaii Labor Relations Board.
The State Department of Labor adopts the safety and health standards (administrative rules) in accordance with Chapter 91, HRS. HIOSH generally adopts Federal OSHA standards in their entirety. There are instances, however, in which HIOSH has made modifications to conform to Hawaii’s law.
Hawaii is one of 28 jurisdictions approved by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to operate its own state’s safety and health program under Section 18(b) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. HIOSH administers Hawaii’s State Plan Program. This program has jurisdiction over most employment in the State in both the private and public sector, with some exceptions (such as domestic workers, U.S. Postal Service, maritime activity, e.g. shipbuilding, marine terminals and longshoring).
The State has also adopted its own laws and regulations affecting HIOSH, including:
- Certificate of Fitness (COF) for blasters and pyrotechnics specialists,
- hoisting machine operators, and
- certified safety and health professionals.
On April 13, 2017 OSHA and HIOSH signed a new Operational Status Agreement (OSA), which replaced the prior 2012 OSA. The OSA provides Federal OSHA retains coverage over all federal employees, contractors, and subcontractors at Hawaii National Parks and on any other federal establishment where the land is determined to be under exclusive federal jurisdiction; private-sector maritime activities; private-sector employees within the secured borders of all military installations where access is controlled; the U.S. Postal Service, its contract workers, and contractor-operated facilities; and the enforcement of Section 11(c) of the Act, 29 U.S.C. 660(c), the Act’s whistleblower provision. The Hawaii State Plan retains coverage over all state and local government employers and regains coverage over all private-sector employers not covered by federal OSHA, including marine construction not performed on vessels or other floating facilities.
Compliance Branch
The laws and regulations are enforced through workplace inspections conducted by HIOSH compliance officers (i.e., Occupational Safety and Health Compliance Officers (OSHCOs), and Environmental Health Specialists (EHSs)). Inspections are conducted without advance notice to the employer (§ 396-4(b)(6), HRS). If the employer objects to the inspection, HIOSH can obtain a search warrant (§ 396-4(d)(1), HRS).
Where violations of standards or regulations are found, citations are issued. Where the violation’s classification is determined to be serious, willful or repeat, a penalty shall be proposed (§ 396-10(b), -10(f), HRS). Under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, such penalties are considered first-instance sanctions (i.e., no warning upon initial finding).
Inspections are also conducted as a part of a program planned inspection that identifies industries or work processes that are considered “high-hazard”. These “high-hazard” industries are identified in HIOSH’s Annual List of Emphasis Industries for Inspection. Inspections are also conducted in response to an event (i.e. accident, complaint, referral, or results from a previous inspection).
After an inspection, employers have several options and the receipt of a citation. These options are explained by the HIOSH Compliance Officers during the closing conference of the inspection. Prior to making a decision, employers can request an informal conference with HIOSH to discuss the citation.
Consultation Branch
The Consultation and Training Branch provides free on-site consultation services for employers that identify workplace hazards, recommends corrective actions and evaluates and makes recommendations to improve an employer’s safety and health management system in order to prevent future hazards. Priority for the service is to smaller employers in high-hazard industries, or with high-hazard processes.
The public can also call the Branch (808-586-9100) to inquire about safety and health standards and other related topics.
Whistleblower Program
HIOSH enforces one whistleblower statute (§396-8(e), HRS) protecting employees from retaliation for reporting violations of safety and health. Federal OSHA enforces the other 20+ whistleblower statutes. Please click here for more information.
Cooperative Programs
HIOSH offers cooperative programs under which businesses, labor groups, and other organizations can work cooperatively with the Agency to prevent fatalities, injuries, and illnesses in the workplace.
- Alliance Program
- Hawaii Voluntary Protection Program (HVPP)
- Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP)
- Strategic Partnership Program
- SHARP (Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program)
- On-Site Consultation & Training Services
- Compliance Assistance Specialists (CAS)
Explosives and Pyrotechnics
HIOSH administers and issues Certificate of Fitness for explosives pursuant to §12-58, HAR. Please click here for more information.
Hoisting Machine Operators Advisory Board (HMOAB)
In 1998 Hawaii State Legislature created the Hoisting Machine Operators Advisory Board (HMOAB) to adopt Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) for the certification of hoisting machine operators. Under these rules, certification is required for operators using equipment covered by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B30.5 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes, having a lifting capacity of more than one ton and that are used to perform construction work as defined by Section 12-50-2 HAR. The rules require operators to show that they have the experience, training, qualifications and certification to safely operate these hoisting machines. Enforcement of this requirement is covered in Section 12-110-50 HAR. Please click here for more information.
Certified Safety and Health Professionals
HIOSH administers testing and issuance of Certification of Safety and Health Professionals. Please click here for more information.
Boiler and Elevator Safety §397, HRS
The Boiler and Elevator Safety Law is intended to provide for the safe operation and use of boilers, pressure systems, amusement rides, and elevators and kindred equipment in the state of Hawaii. It is administered through the Boiler and Elevator Inspection Branch of HIOSH.
Like the Occupational Safety and Health part of HIOSH, standards are adopted and enforced through compliance inspections and investigations. Permits to operate are issued regarding any boiler, pressure system, amusement ride, or elevator and kindred equipment if found to be safe in accordance with these standards. In addition, Branch staff reviews and approves plans for new installation, repairs, or modification of equipment covered by this Law.
If you own or manage a building and need to install, repair, alter or relocate boiler and pressure systems or to install, construct, alter, or modernize any elevator or kindred equipment, forms are available on the website to apply for permits.