The Workforce Development Division (WDD) and its network of One-Stop Career Centers not only offer its array of employment and training services to veterans but also provides relevant applicant recruiting assistance tailored to the needs of the business community. Specialized staff known as Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) are employed at the centers to offer assistance to employers seeking to hire veterans with specific skills and experiences. LVER staffs are military veterans themselves and have received specialized training at the National Veterans Training Institute (NVTI). They understand how to bridge the skills and experiences of veterans with that of the job requirements in local industries.
LVER and One-Stop Career Center staff are prepared to help the employer to leverage federal and state hiring incentives aimed at reducing the costs of hiring and training veterans for employment.
When recruiting, employers are encouraged to access one of Hawaii’s largest online job applicant search engines: HireNet Hawai‘i. It is a self-service centric recruiting tool accessed at the convenience of the job recruiter to conduct match and hire of qualified veterans. The system’s success in matching the relevant skills and experiences of veterans offer another effective recruiting tool for Hawaii’s employers.
HireNet Hawai‘i is a public funded, online job and applicant search engine which features Hawaii based employment opportunities as well as resumes that highlight the skills and experience of Hawaii’s job seekers.
Job recruiters can access the HireNet Hawai’i search engine either ONLINE or visit one of our WDD offices or One-Stop Career Centers STATEWIDE.
These services are 100% federally funded by a Jobs for Veterans State Grant in the amount of $908,874.