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WIOA Documents
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Documents
Fiscal Policies/Budget Documents
Adult/Dislocated Worker (DW)/Local Administrative Cost (LAC) Forms
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-Revised 9/20
- Instructions: Budget Detail A
- Budget Detail A-Revised 9/20
- Budget Detail A
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-1
- Budget Detail A-1, Personnel Costs of Subrecipient Staff
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-2
- Budget Detail A-2, Equipment Purchases
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-3
- Budget Detail A-3, Travel: Intra-State
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-4
- Budget Detail A-4, Travel: Inter-State
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-5-Revised 9/20
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-5
- Budget Detail A-5, Contractual Services-Subcontracts
- Instructions: Budget Detail B
- Budget Detail B, Worksheet By Funding Source
- Instructions: Budget Information Summary
- Budget Information Summary
Youth Forms
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-Youth-Revised 9/20
- Instructions: Budget Detail A
- Budget Detail A Youth-Revised 9/20
- Budget Detail A
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-1
- Budget Detail A-1, Personnel Costs of Subrecipient Staff
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-2
- Budget Detail A-2, Equipment Purchases
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-3
- Budget Detail A-3, Travel: Intra-State
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-4
- Budget Detail A-4, Travel: Inter-State
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-5 Youth-Revised 9/20
- Instructions: Budget Detail A-5
- Budget Detail A-5, Contractual Services-Subcontractors
- Instructions: Budget Detail B
- Budget Detail B, Worksheet Funding By Source
- Instructions: Budget Information Summary
- Budget Information Summary
- Instructions: Budget Detail A (Revised 9/20) Rapid Response
- Instructions: Budget Detail A
- Budget Detail A (Revised 9/20) Rapid Response
- Budget Detail A
- Form WIOA 12 (Revised 9/20) Expenditure Register Rapid Response
- Form WIOA 12-Expenditure Register Rapid Response
- Instructions WIOA 12 (Revised 12/20) Expenditure Register Rapid Response
- Instructions, Form WIOA 12, Expenditure Register Rapid Response
- SN 1 Maui NDWG Bulletin 01-23 – Maui National Dislocated Worker Grant Bulletin System
- SN 2 Maui NDWG Bulletin 02-23 – Participant Eligibility and Target Groups for Maui National Dislocated Worker Grant
- SN 3 Maui NDWG Bulletin 01-25 – Supportive Services in Maui NDWG
- Instructions: Form WIOA 13-Expenditure Register National Dislocated Worker (DWG)
- Form WIOA 13-Expenditure Register National Dislocated Worker (DWG)
- SN 1 Quest Bulletin 01-23 – Quest Bulletin System
- SN 2 Quest Bulletin 02-23 – Quest Target Groups and Participant Eligibility
- SN 3 Quest Bulletin 03-23 – Quest Allocations
- SN 4 Quest Bulletin 04-23 – Quest Participant Flow
- SN 5 Quest Bulletin 05-23 – Supportive Services in QUEST
- SN 6 Quest Bulletin 05-23 Change 1 – Supportive Services in QUEST
- SN 6 Quest Bulletin 06-23 – HireNet Hawaii Service Codes for QUEST
- SN 7 Quest Bulletin 01-24 – Applicability of WIOA and Other Bulletins to QUEST
Joint WIOA Bulletins
- SN-001 Joint WIOA Bulletin 001-20 HireNet Hawaii Rapid Response Event Codes
- Attachment 1: Sample HireNet Hawaii Rapid Response Event Codes List
- SN-002 Joint WIOA Bulletin 002-20 Remote Signature in HireNet Hawaii
- Attachment 1: Remote Signature Instructions
- SN-003 Joint WIOA Bulletin 003-20 Social Security Numbers in HireNet Hawaii
- Attachment 1: Assigning a Pseudo SSN at the Job Seeker’s Request
- Attachment 2: Updating an Existing Record in HireNet Hawaii from Pseudo Number to SSN
- Attachment 3: Local Workforce Areas Pseudo Numbers
- SN-004 Joint WIOA Bulletin 001-21 Common Exit Policy
- Attachment 1: Exclusions
- SN-005 Joint WIOA Bulletin 002-21 Program Year (PY) 2021 Allocations
- Attachment 1: Instructions for Annual Budget Plan for Program Year (PY) 2021
- Attachment 2: Signature Page
- SN-006 Joint WIOA Bulletin 01-23 The Stevens Amendment
- SN-007 Joint WIOA Bulletin 02-23 Document Management Module in HireNet Hawaii
- SN-009 Joint WIOA Bulletin 003-20 Change 1 Social Security Numbers in HireNet Hawaii
WIOA Bulletins
- SN-01 WIOA 01-15 Communication System
- SN-01 WIOA 01-15 Attmt, Mailing List
- SN-02 WIOA 02-15 PY 15 Allocations
- SN-02 WIOA 02-15 Attmt, HireNet Maint. Fee
- SN-03 WIOA 03-15 w-Attmts, Initial Designation
- SN-03 WIOA 03-15 Initial Designation
- SN-03 WIOA 03-15 Attmt 3 PY 12, 13 Data Tables
- SN-03 WIOA 03-15 Attmt 2 Performance Summary
- SN-03 WIOA 03-15 Attmt 1 Initial Designation Application
- SN-04 WIOA 04-15 Change 1 w-Attmts, LWDB Certification
- SN-04 Attachment 1 LWDB Membership Requirements
- SN-04 Attachment 2 Nomination Form for Board Members of LWDB
- SN-04 Attachment 3 LWDB Membership Certification Request
- SN-04 WIOA 04-15 w-Attmts, LWDB Certification
- SN-04 WIOA 04-15 LWDB Certification
- SN-05 WIOA Bulletin 05-16 Distribution of WIOA Bulletins
- SN-06 WIOA Bulletin 06-16 Federal Poverty Income Guidelines
- SN-07 WIOA Bulletin 07-16 Change 1, Revised PY 16 Allocations
- SN-07 PY16 WIOA Allocations Bulletin 07-16
- SN-08 WIOA 08-16, 2016 Lower Living Standard Income Level Attachments
- SN-08 WIOA Bulletin 08-16, 2016 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-09 WIOA Bulletin 09-16 Initial Local Plan Guidance
- SN-10 WIOA Bulletin 10-16 Change 1 Eligible Training Provider Policies and Procedures
- SN-10 Proposed Bulletin 10-16 Change 1, Eligible Training Provider Policies and Procedures for Public Comment
- SN-10 WIOA Bulletin 10-16 , Eligible Training Provider Policies and Procedures
- SN-11 WIOA Bulletin 11-16 Conflict of Interest
- SN-58 WIOA Bulletin 12-16 Change 3 One-Stop Infrastructure Funding and Memoranda of Understanding Deadline
- SN-12 WIOA Bulletin 12-16 Change 2 One-Stop Infrastructure Funding and Memoranda of Understanding Deadline
- SN-12 WIOA Bulletin 12-16 Change 1 One-Stop Infrastructure Funding and Memoranda of Understanding Deadline
- SN-12 WIOA Bulletin 12-16 One Stop Infrastructure Funding and Memoranda of Understanding
- SN-13 WIOA Bulletin 13-16 Change 1 One Stop Certification
- SN-13 WIOA Bulletin 13-16 One Stop Certification
- SN-14 WIOA Bulletin 14-16 Change 1 Adult Program Eligibility and Priority of Service
- Attachment 1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Adult Program Eligibility and Priority of Service Policies & Procedures
- Attachment 2 Coordination with Programs Serving Individuals At-Risk for or Experiencing Homelessness
- SN-14 WIOA Bulletin 14-16 Adult Program Eligibility and Priority of Service
- SN-15 WIOA Bulletin 15-16 Change 2 Financial Reporting Forms, Budget Documents, Instructions, and Additional Procedures
- SN-15 WIOA Bulletin 15-16 Change 1 Financial Reporting Forms and Instructions
- Form WIOA 1 (Revised 9/20) – Subrecipient’s Request for Advance or Reimbursement
- Form WIOA 1 – Subrecipient’s Request for Advance or Reimbursement
- Form WIOA 1 (Revised 9/20) Instructions, Subrecipient’s Request for Advance or Reimbursement
- Form WIOA 1 – Instructions, Subrecipient’s Request for Advance or Reimbursement
- Form WIOA 2 (Revised 9/20) Expenditure Register; Local Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Administrative Programs
- Form WIOA 2 – Expenditure Register; Local Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Administrative Programs
- Form WIOA 2 (Revised 9/20) Instructions, Expenditure Register, Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Administrative Programs
- Form WIOA 2 – Instructions, Expenditure Register, Adult, Dislocated Worker and Admin. Programs
- Form WIOA 3 (Revised 9/20) Expenditure Register, Local Youth Program
- Form WIOA 3 – Expenditure Register; Local Youth Program
- Form WIOA 3 (Revised 9/20) Instructions, Expenditure Register, Youth Program
- Form WIOA 3 – Instructions, Expenditure Register, Youth Program
- Form WIOA 4 – Expenditure Register; Program Income and Non-Federal Funds
- Form WIOA 4 – Instructions, Expenditure Register, Program Income and Non-Federal Funds
- Form WIOA 10 (Revised 9/20) Equipment Listing
- Form WIOA 10 (Revised 9/20) Instructions, Equipment Listing
- SN-15 WIOA Bulletin 15-16 Financial Reporting Forms and Instructions
- SN-16 WIOA Bulletin 16-16 Policy on Salary and Bonus Limitations
- SN-17 WIOA Bulletin 17-16 Procurement Policy and Standards
- SN-01 WIOA Bulletin 01-17 WIOA Methods of Administration
- SN-02 WIOA Bulletin 02-17 Change 1 WDC Policy WIOA Methods of Administration (Nondiscrimination Policy)
- SN-02 WIOA Bulletin 02-17 WDC Policy -WIOA Methods of Administration
- SN-03 WIOA Bulletin 03-17 Local Board Review of AEFLA Applications
- SN-03 WIOA Bulletin 03-17 Change 1 Local Board Review of AEFLA Applications
- SN-04 WIOA Bulletin 04-17 Allowable Cost
- SN-05 WIOA Bulletin 05-17 Items of Cost
- WIOA Bulletin 05-17 Attachment-Matrix of Specific Items of Cost
- SN-06 WIOA Bulletin 06-17 Cash Management
- SN-07 WIOA Bulletin 07-17 Policy on Audit Requirements and Resolutions
- SN-08 WIOA Bulletin 08-17 Policy on Records Retention and Access to Records
- SN-09 WOIA Bulletin 09-17 PY17 Planning Estimate Allocations
- SN-10 WIOA Bulletin 10-17 Change 1 Policy on Oversight and Monitoring
- SN-10 WIOA Bulletin 10-17 Policy on Oversight and Monitoring
- SN-11 WIOA Bulletin 11-17 Policy on Property and Inventory Management
- SN-12 WIOA Bulletin 12-17 Closeout Reporting Forms & Instructions
- Form WIOA 5: Closeout Check List (excel)
- Form WIOA 6: Closeout Reconciliation
- Form WIOA 7: Subrecipient Release Form
- Form WIOA 8: Subrecipient Assignment Form
- Form WIOA 9: Inventory Certification
- Form WIOA 10 (Revised 9/20) Instructions for Inventory Listing
- Form WIOA 10: Instructions: Instructions for Inventory Listing
- Form WIOA 10: (Revised 9/20) Equipment Listing
- Form WIOA 10: Equipment Listing (excel)
- Form WIOA 11: Subrecipient’s Tax Closeout Tax Certification
- SN-13 WIOA Bulletin 13-17 Change 1 Program Year (PY) 2017 Revised Allocations
- SN-13 WIOA Bulletin 13-17 Program Year (PY 17) Final Allocations
- SN-14 WIOA Bulletin 14-17 Recapture and Reallocation
- SN-15 WIOA Bulletin 15-17 Transfer of Funds Request
- Attachment I: Transfer of Funds Request Narrative (fillable pdf)
- SN-16 WIOA Bulletin 16-18 Change 1 Recording Measurable Skills Gains in HireNet Hawaii
- SN-16 WIOA Bulletin 16-18 Recording Measurable Skill Gains in HireNet Hawaii
- SN-17 WIOA Bulletin 17-18 2017 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-18 WIOA Bulletin 18-18 PY18 and PY19 State Performance Negotiations
- SN-19 WIOA Bulletin 19-18 PY18 and PY19 Local Workforce Development Board Performance Negotiations
- SN-20 WIOA Bulletin 20-18 Change 1 Revised Program Year (PY) 2018 Allocations
- SN-20 WIOA Bulletin 20-18 Program Year (PY) 2018 Allocations
- SN-21 WIOA Bulletin 21-18 2018 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-22 WIOA Bulletin 22-18 Guidance for Modified Local Plan
- Attachment 1
- Signature Page (fillable word form)
- Local Plan Definitions
- SN-23 WIOA Bulletin 23-18 Change 1 Revised Kauai Disaster Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Policies and Procedures
- SN-23 WIOA Bulletin 23-18 Kauai and Oahu Disaster Dislocated Worker Grant Policies and Procedures
- SN-24 WIOA Bulletin 24-18 Rapid Response Activity Policies and Procedures for Oahu and Hawaii County Workforce Development Boards (WDB) and Oahu and hawaii County American Job Center Hawaii (AJCH)
- SN-25 WIOA Bulletin 25-18 Change 1 Revised Hawaii County Disaster Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Policies and Procedures
- SN-25 WIOA Bulletin 25-18 Hawaii Island Disaster Dislocated Worker Grant Policies and Procedures
- SN-26 WIOA Bulletin 26-19 Minimum Work Experience Requirement for Youth Program Funds
- SN-27 WIOA Bulletin 27-19 Policy on Providers of Career Services
- Attachment I: Providers of Career Services Application
- Attachment II: Request for WDC Approval Checklist
- SN-28 WIOA Bulletin 28-19 Change 1 (Corrected) Program Year (PY) 2019 Revised Allocations
- SN-28 WIOA Bulletin 28-19 Program Year (PY) 2019 Allocations
- Attachment I: Instructions for Annual Budget Plan 2019
- Attachment II: Signature Page (fillable pdf)
- SN-29 WIOA Bulletin 29-19 Change 2
- Attachment I: Data Validation SOP Manual v1.0 (7.30.21)
- SN-29 WIOA Bulletin 29-19 Change 1 WIOA Data Validation Policies and Procedures
- Attachment I: Data Element Validation List by Title I Program
- SN-29 WIOA Bulletin 29-19 WIOA Data Validation Policies and Procedures
- Attachment I: Source Documentation for WIOA Core Programs Joint Data Element Validation
- SN-30 WIOA Bulletin 30-19 2019 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-31 WIOA Bulletin 31-19 Statewide Rapid Response/Layoff Aversion Policies and Procedures
- Attachment I: Rapid Response Desk Aid
- Attachment 2: Rapid Response Summary Report
- Attachment 3: WARN Layoff Report to Local RR teams
- Attachment 4: Recognizing Workforce Opportunity
- Attachment 5: Intervention Timeline Chart
- Employee Satisfaction Survey
- Employer Satisfaction Survey
- SN-32 WIOA Bulletin 32-19 Use of Supplemental Wage Information
- SN-33 WIOA Bulletin 33-20 Program Year (PY) 2020 Revised Allocations
- Attachment 1: Instructions for Annual Plans
- Attachment 2: Signature Page Template for Annual Plans
- SN-34 WIOA Bulletin 34-20 Hirenet Access Request Form
- Attachment 1: HNH Access Request Fillable Form
- Attachment 2: Instructions for Completing HNH Access Request Form
- SN-35 WIOA Bulletin 35-20 PY20 and PY21 Local Workforce Development Board Performance Negotiations for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Programs
- SN-36 WIOA Bulletin 36-20 2020 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-37 WIOA Bulletin 37-20 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program Year 2020-2023 Local Plan Guidance
- Attachment 1: WIOA Local Plan Guidance Template
- SN-38 WIOA Bulletin 38-20 Submission of Student Data by Eligible Training Providers for Program Years 2018 and 2019
- Attachment 1: Eligible Training Provider Reporting Tool
- SN-39 WIOA Bulletin 39-20 Statewide Rapid Response Standard Operating Procedure Manual
- Attachment 1: Rapid Response SOP Manual
- Attachment 2: Rapid Response Business Process
- Attachment 3: Dislocated Worker Questionnaire (pdf)
- Attachment 4: Dislocated Worker Questionnaire (docx)
- Attachment 5: Rapid Response Event Summary Report (pdf)
- Attachment 6: Rapid Response Event Summary Report (docx)
- SN-40 WIOA Bulletin 40-20 Hawaii WIOA Title 1 Youth Program Resource Guide
- Attachment 1, 2, 3: Youth Program Resource Guide, Primary Indicators of Performance for Youth, References
- SN-41 WIOA Bulletin 41-20 HireNet Hawaii National Dislocated Worker Grant Attachment
- SN-42 WIOA Bulletin 42-20 COVID-19 Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Policies and Procedures
- Attachment 1: Policies and Procedures Disaster COVID-19 Disaster Recovery
- Attachment 2: Employee Checklist COVID-19 Disaster Recovery
- Attachment 3: Self-Employed Attestation COVID-19 Disaster Recovery
- Attachment 4: Worksite Proposal Checklist COVID-19 Disaster Recovery
- SN-55 WIOA Bulletin 43-20 Change 1 COVID-19 Employment Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Policies and Procedures
- SN-43 WIOA Bulletin 43-20 COVID-19 Employment Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Policies and Procedures
- Attachment 1: COVID-19 Employment Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Policies and Procedures
- Attachment 2: COVID-19 Employment Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Applicant Checklist
- Attachment 3: COVID-19 Employment Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) Self-Employed Attestation
- SN-44 WIOA Bulletin 44-21 Guidelines for Using and Sharing the American Job Center Videos
- SN-45 WIOA Bulletin 45-21 2021 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-46 WIOA Bulletin 29-19 WIOA Data Validation Policy and Procedures
- SN-48 WIOA Bulletin 01-22 WIOA Title I and III Performance Indicator Results for Program Year 2020
- SN-49 WIOA Bulletin 02-22 Local Area Performance Failure and Sanctions Policy
- SN-50 WIOA Bulletin 03-22 Trade Adjustment Assistance and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Dislocated Worker Program Co- Enrollment Policy
- SN-51 WIOA Bulletin 04-22 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-52 WIOA Bulletin 05-22 Program Year 2022 Allocations
- SN-53 WIOA Bulletin 04-22 2022 Change 1 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-54 WIOA Bulletin 06-22 The Stevens Amendment
- SN-55 WIOA Bulletin 07-22 Responsibilities for Reporting Instances of Suspected Fraud, Program Abuse and Criminal Conduct
- SN-56 WIOA Bulletin 08-22 Guidance on Providing Supportive Services and Needs Related Payments
- SN-61 WIOA Bulletin 02-23 WIOA Title I Local Workforce Development Board Performance Negotiations and Sanctions Policy
- SN-62 WIOA Bulletin 03-23 Program Year 2023 Allocations
- SN-63 WIOA Bulletin 29-19 Change 3 WIOA Data Validation Policy and Procedures
- SN-64 WIOA Bulletin 12-16 Change 4 One-Stop Infrastructure Funding and Memoranda of Understanding Deadline
- SN-65 WIOA Bulletin 05-17 Change 1 General Provisions for Selected Items of Cost
- SN-66 WIOA Bulletin 13-16 Change 2 One-Stop (American Job Center) Certification Revised Guidelines
- SN-67 WIOA Bulletin 04-23 Job Posting Guidelines for Third-PartyAgents and Staffing Agencies in Hirenet Hawaii
- SN-69 WIOA Bulletin 05-23 2023 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-70 WIOA Bulletin 01-24 Complaint Procedure
- SN-71 WIOA Bulletin 02-24 2024 Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines
- SN-73 WIOA Bulletin 03-24, Change 1 Program Year 2024 Allocations
- SN-74 WIOA Bulletin 07-22, Change 1 Responsibilities for Reporting Instances of Suspected Fraud, Program Abuse, and Criminal Conduct
- SN-75 WIOA Bulletin 01-25 WIOA Title I and III Performance Indicator Results for Program Year 2023
WDC Memos
Youth Expenditure Requirements
Out of School Youth Expenditures Chart
WIOA COVID Memorandum RE: Youth Program Work Experience Assessments
Nondiscrimination Documents
WIOA NDP Bulletin No. 1-19 WIOA Nondiscrimination Plan and Recipient Obligations
“Equal Opportunity is the Law” Notice and Certification
“Equal Opportunity is the Law” Poster, for printing on 11″ x 17″ paper
For more information on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Equal Opportunity Program, please click here.
American Job Center Memorandum of Understanding and Infrastructure Funding Agreement Workbook, February 2017
Hirenet Hawaii Bulletins
- (SN 02) Hirenet Hawaii Bulletin No. 01-12 HireNet Hawaii Employer Verification
- (SN 04) Hirenet Hawaii Bulletin No. 02-13 Request to Post News and Events on the HireNet Dasboard
- (SN 07) Hirenet Hawaii Bulletin No. 01-14, Change 1 WIA Lockdown Dates in Hirenet Hawaii
- (SN 10) Hirenet Hawaii Bulletin No. 01-17, Change 1 HireNet Hawaii Employer Verifications